CFFA update for August 9

CFFA update for August 9
Today up at Mid-South Oliver Galbraith took 7th in the epee which was a B1.  Sandy Tapia won, earning her B.  Oliver also took 2nd in the foil with Connor McCormick taking 8th in a small but nasty field.
Finished the camps with an all left handed epee camp last week.  My apologies if I seem a bit off teaching right handed lessons for a while.
Regular practice this week with practice on Saturday.  Nick Chambers says Tuesday will be his last day in.
Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.  There will be an intermediate class at 7:30 pm if there is interest.
New Bern will be coming back down for their last Saturday of the summer on the 22nd.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature. 
After Labor Day we will get back to working in earnest.  Afterschool classes for returning fencers will start on the 8th.  The new beginners will start the week of the 14th.

Homeschool classes will start back on the 9th – advanced fencers can come in at 12:30 pm, new beginners at 1 pm.
The Division meeting will be held on September 13th at UNC.  I will probably start around soon to collect proxies.
September’s evening class will start on Monday the 14th for 6 weeks.  We will have to see how that may affect the Wednesday evening class like we have been having over the summer.
Not much out yet on the NC schedule so I will keep you informed as it becomes available.
September 26-27 is the Division 1A ROC in Fredericksburg.  This is a good event for those of you looking for a step up in competition, or planning to get ready for the NACs that will be in the area this season.  The deadline before the fees jump is September 7, so take a look at it on askfred.

We are now in the new season. 
That means everyone
needs to renew their USA Fencing memberships for 2015-2016. 
You can do it on line at the website, or I have paper copies.  If you do
it on line, please bring me a copy.  We need the verification to make
certain you are on our insurance okay.  If you started after April 1st,
you should have the next season already taken care of for free.  Check
at to see or to sign up electronically, under membership.

also means those of you who pay CFFA dues in yearly or semi-annual lump
sums should start getting those in.  The yearly dues are 12 months for
the price of 10, semi-annual is 6 months for the price of 5.

A number of people have liked Paul
Perkins suggestion that we take a night for armoring.  Personal and
hopefully some club stuff can be fixed.  Those of you who have something
broken can learn how to work on it with a bunch of old pros there.  We
would get pizza and show fencing movies.  Now we just need to set a date.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon