CFFA update for August 1

CFFA update for August 1
In what may be a first for the club, yesterday we had a practice only attended by sabre fencers.  Last week we had foil camp and there are some 8-9 year olds who will be bedeviling you in a few years if not sooner.
The epee camp, this week, may be the strongest camp we
have ever had since two of the fencers are just coming off excellent
National Championship performances.  You will need to be able to deal
with left handers as there are already four signed up.  LOL

should be a regular week of practice, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 
Camp Lejeune practice this Friday starts a new set of classes, Saturday practice at 10 am in Wilmington.

is having their Big Blue event on August 8-9.  Sabre on Saturday and
foil/epee on Sunday.  Epee just needs bodies to be a B event. Foils is an E with a B and Cs.  Surprisingly, sabre is the small event.   See askfred for more details.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on

Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.

We are now in the new season.  That means everyone
needs to renew their USA Fencing memberships for 2015-2016. 
You can do it on line at the website, or I have paper copies.  If you do
it on line, please bring me a copy.  We need the verification to make
certain you are on our insurance okay.  If you started after April 1st, you should have the next season already taken care of for free.  Check at to see or to sign up electronically, under membership.

also means those of you who pay CFFA dues in yearly or semi-annual lump
sums should start getting those in.  The yearly dues are 12 months for
the price of 10, semi-annual is 6 months for the price of 5.

A number of people have liked Paul
Perkins suggestion that we take a night for armoring.  Personal and
hopefully some club stuff can be fixed.  Those of you who have something
broken can learn how to work on it with a bunch of old pros there.  We
would get pizza and show fencing movies.  Now we just need to set a date.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon