CFFA update for July 19

CFFA update for July 19
Had a really great practice yesterday with the Salle New Bern folks and Steve Kmiec yesterday. 

A solid beginner camp last week with a couple of young women whom I think you may see at the club at some point.  Claire and Mirah, so welcome them into fencing – gently.

Saber camp on the docket for next week.  Even if you haven’t told me you were coming you are welcome, just show up about 9 am on Monday.  Foil camp the week after has a nice range of participants, all the way from some who have just finished their beginning classes to those who have been to a National Championship.  The epee camp may be the strongest camp we have ever had since two of the fencers are just coming off excellent National Championship performances.  You will need to be able to deal with left handers as there are already four signed up.  LOL
Otherwise should be a regular week of practice, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  Camp Lejeune practice Friday, Saturday practice at 10 am in Wilmington.
The next Camp Lejeune beginner class will start on August 7th.
Mid-South is having their Big Blue event on August 8-9.  Sabre on Saturday and foil/epee on Sunday.  See askfred for more details.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on

Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.

Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6. 
Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed
Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel
Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic
as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a
person of Korfanty’s stature.
There is a wealth of riches in the area this year for those of you who want to move up and compete on a more regional/National stage.  Here are the basic events listed so far.
September 26-27   Fredericksburg ROC
October 9-12      Richmond NAC  D I, D II, Cadet, Senior team
October 24-25    Mid-South  sabre RJCC  (Regional Junior Cadet event)
November 7-8    Baltimore ROC 
November 13-16  Kansas City NAC  Jr, Cadet, Y-14
November 21-22   NC JO qualifiers
December 4-7   
Baltimore NAC   D I, D II, Vet

Some Spring things

January 8-11   
September 26-27   Fredericksburg ROC
October 9-12      Richmond NAC  D I, D II, Cadet, Senior team
October 24-25    Mid-South  sabre RJCC  (Regional Junior Cadet event)
November 7-8    Baltimore ROC  (Also SAT Test on 7th)
November 13-16  Kansas City NAC  Jr, Cadet, Y-14
November 21-22   NC JO qualifiers
December 4-7   
Baltimore NAC   D I, D II, Vet  (Also SAT Test on 5th)

Some Spring things

January 8-11    St. Louis NAC   D I, Junior  
January 15-16   Baltimore Capital Clash – Y-10, Y-12, Y-14 
February 12-15  Cleveland  JOs   
March 4-5        Columbus, OH   Arnold Classic 
March 11-14   Salt Lake City  NAC   D II, Y-12, Y-14, Y-14 team    
April 8-11        Richmond NAC   D I, D III, Vet   
June 29 July 8   Dallas  Summer Nationals     
For those so inclined (and 50+) all of the Vet events are within easy reach; Baltimore, Richmond, and Dallas.  The Veteran World Championships are listed as being in Germany in October 2016, but with a question mark, so I am not certain it is settled.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon