CFFA update for July 12

CFFA update for July 12
Yesterday I took Josiah and Philip Nazzaro, and Reaghan Juelke up to the coaching clinic at All-American in Fayetteville.  I believe everyone learned some new things and more ways to practice successfully.  P.S., Coach Miller, the head coach at UNC Chapel Hill, says that footwork is the most important thing to practice.
We should be back to the regular summer schedule.  Tuesday/Thursday open fencing. structured practice Wednesday night, Camp Lejeune Friday.
The Salle New Bern folks are slated to come down next Saturday, the 18th, for practice, starting about 10am.  It would be nice to see a large crowd for them to fence.
beginner camp starts tomorrow.  No problem if anyone wants to show up at 9 am and they haven’t already contacted me. 

If you are getting
this e-mail you are beyond the level of the beginner camp.  Advanced
sabre camp is July 20-24, advanced foil camp is July 27-31, and advanced
epee camp is August 3-7.  Cost for the Camps is $195.  For epee camp,
you will need to renew your USA Fencing membership as it is at the start
of the next season.  We provide gatorade, water, and snacks.  The
fencers need to bring lunch as camps go 9-5, although maybe a bit
shorter on Friday.  Please e-mail with what camp you want to attend so I
can look at numbers and the level of the fencers for planning
purposes.  Right now epee looks like it will be really strong, foil and
sabre are more mid-level.

if you are an adult with keys and might be available on one of the
Fridays at about 3-3:30 pm, let me know.  I need to leave a bit early to
get up to Camp Lejeune.  I may or may not be able to have campers
picked up a bit early, so I would like a back up plan.  Thanks.

is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August
14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that
event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on
Our first fall beginner class will start on Tuesday, August 18th, at 6:30 pm and run for 6 weeks.
Mid-South is holding a sabre clinic on Labor Day weekend, September 4-6.  Starts Friday evening and goes through Sunday.  The clinician is Ed Korfanty, the US National team sabre coach.  He is also coach to Mariel Zagunis who has won two Olympic Gold medals.  You can go to the clinic as a coach or as a fencer, but realize it is priced as appropriate for a person of Korfanty’s stature.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon