CFFA update for July 6

CFFA update for July 6
 Out at Nationals, Samantha Milewski has completed her two events.  In the Saturday Div III epee, Samantha went 5-1 in her pool, only losing to the woman who was seeded number 1 after the first round.  In her first DE, she won against a woman who got multiple red cards for running into Samantha.  In her second DE, at the end of the first period the score was 8-9.  Samantha then went untouched the rest of the way and won 15-9.  She lost the next DE 12-15, but still finished 11th out of over 120 fencers.  I believe that is the 3rd best finish by a CFFA fencer at a National event.  Thanks to Robert Thomas to coming in and helping her through the day.  In Sunday’s Div II, Samantha went 3-3 in her pool.  She won her first DE, but lost her next DE to the woman who ended up second.  One of her pool losses was to the woman who finished 3rd.  She ended up in the top half of the competition.
The reason she is doing well is that she does things right.  She has been working with lessons almost every week, doesn’t come in and only fence bouts, and listens to the coach when she is on the strip.  I know I have said this to many of you, but just coming in and fencing matches is not the most effective way to get better.
John Rea took 10th in the Vet 70 Men’s sabre.  However, he made the Vet World Championship team in foil.  The World Championships for Vets are in Limoges, France this year.  First Charlie Hebdo, then they lose their World Cup Match on penalty kicks, then John Rea is coming.  What did France do to deserve this?  LOL
For other NC people, Gabe Lima was 9th and Charles Chow was 13th in the Div II foil.  Andrew Li was 9th in Div III sabre and 13th in Div II sabre.  All are from Research Triangle Fencing.  Not counting John (who’s events all started with fewer than 16 people), I think RTF and CFFA are the only clubs with people making the top 16.  Way to go Sam.
Lacquering the floor will be tonight at 7 pm.  Come help and a pre thanks to those of you who show up.
Fencing will restart on Thursday night.  Camp Lejeune will meet on Friday.
July 11 is the one day coaching clinic at All American Fencing in Fayetteville.  The clinic is being run by Ron Miller, UNC’s head coach, and is only $25.  This is a great bargain to learn from a coach of his caliber.  I will be taking people up and have space if someone is interested.  Bring dry and electric gear.  If you are at all interested in learning about coaching or how to drill better in fencing, this will be the best deal you can get.  More details on askfred under clinics.
Our beginner camp is July 13-17, so spread the word.  If you are getting this e-mail you are beyond the level of the beginner camp.  Advanced sabre camp is July 20-24, advanced foil camp is July 27-31, and advanced epee camp is August 3-7.  Cost for the Camps is $195.  For epee camp, you will need to renew your USA Fencing membership as it is at the start of the next season.  We provide gatorade, water, and snacks.  The fencers need to bring lunch as camps go 9-5, although maybe a bit shorter on Friday.  Please e-mail with what camp you want to attend so I can look at numbers and the level of the fencers for planning purposes.  Right now epee looks like it will be really strong, foil and sabre are more mid-level.

Also if you are an adult with keys and might be available on one of the Fridays at about 3-3:30 pm, let me know.  I need to leave a bit early to get up to Camp Lejeune.  I may or may not be able to have campers picked up a bit early, so I would like a back up plan.  Thanks.
There is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August 14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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