CFFA Saturday/floor painting

CFFA Saturday/floor painting
We will have practice tomorrow, starting about 10 am.  I think most of our epeeists going to Nationals will be in, so it would be good to have plenty of people on hand to work them out/over.
The next week we will be painting the floor, so no practice.  If you want to help with the painting, here is what we will be doing, and some idea of what people and how many we will need.
Monday night, about 7 pm, we will need a large number of people, hopefully strong ones.  We need to move all off the items in the fencing room out – tables, chairs, cases, booths, etc.  For those a bit weaker, we also need to sweep and mop the entire floor.  If things dry quickly, there might be some taping to prepare for painting.
Tuesday at 7 pm we will paint the light blue, taping off the strips if it hasn’t already been done.  This will require a good number of people.  Hopefully they will be people smart enough not to paint themselves into a corner and mature enough that we don’t end up with paint where it doesn’t belong.
We let it dry to Thursday at 7 pm when we will paint the dark blue.  This requires patient careful people, but not as many as the other days.  In addition, people showing up that night will need to be careful not to mess up or get Tuesday’s painting dirty, as such things will be preserved under the lacquer.
I’m getting conflicting signals as to what day the lacquer will be put down, but will let you know when it is certain.  For this we will be putting 2-3, maybe more, coats of lacquer over the paint.  This protects the floor, but also gives your shoes a better grip.  It takes a couple of hours to put down one coat, but it dries quickly enough that you can start back at the beginning about as soon as you finish.  Once we know when maybe having a couple of shifts of people would be good.
Then after the lacquer has dried totally, everything has to be moved back in.  This will require more care than the move out so we don’t destroy the work already done.
If you have questions or are available and interested in helping, let me know.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon