CFFA update for June 21

CFFA update for June 21
CFFA hauled away a lot of metal from the State Games yesterday.  Nicole Milewski won the Y-12 mixed epee.  Jesse Harvey took the silver in Men’s epee and re-earned his C.  Oliver Galbraith took silver in both Junior and Cadet Men’s epee.  Oliver also won the bronze in Men’s foil, re-earning his C, as well as silvers in Junior and Cadet Men’s foil.  Mark Scott got the gold for the Men’s Vet foil.  Riley Hart took bronze in Women’s epee and silver in Junior Women’s epee.  Samantha Milewski won silver in Cadet epee.  Erica Julien won the gold in Women’s Vet epee and silver in Women’s Vet sabre.  Robert Thomas, while managing the event, still found time to win the silver in Men’s Vet epee.  Although he didn’t get a medal, Alex Hoelscher finished well enough to earn his E in sabre.  Thanks to everyone who helped make the event run as flawlessly as it did.
A regular week of practice this week, Tu/Wed/Thurs in Wilmington.  Camp Lejeune will have practice this Friday.  There will be a Saturday morning practice in Wilmington.
No practice on July 3rd at camp Lejeune as I will be out at Nationals, plus the it is the holiday weekend.
If people want to practice on the 4th of July, someone else will need to open the club.
If people want a Tuesday, July 7 practice, someone else will need to open and close as I will not be back yet.  No problem for the rest of the week.

11 is a one day coaching clinic at All American Fencing in
Fayetteville.  The clinic is being run by Ron Miller, UNC’s head coach,
and is only $25.  This is a great bargain to learn from a coach of his
caliber.  If some of our younger fencers want to learn more about
coaching I will drive.  If you are at all interested in learning about
coaching or how to drill better in fencing, this will be the best deal
you can get.  More details on askfred under clinics.

beginner camp is July 13-17, so spread the word.  If you are getting
this e-mail you are beyond the level of the beginner camp.  Advanced
sabre camp is July 20-24, advanced foil camp is July 27-31, and advanced
epee camp is August 3-7.  Cost for the Camps is $195.  For epee camp,
you will need to renew your USA Fencing membership as it is at the start
of the next season.  We provide gatorade, water, and snacks.  The
fencers need to bring lunch as camps go 9-5, although maybe a bit
shorter on Friday.  Please e-mail with what camp you want to attend so I
can look at numbers and the level of the fencers for planning

Also if you are an adult with keys and might be available on one of the Fridays at about 3-3:30 pm, let me know.  I
need to leave a bit early to get up to Camp Lejeune.  I may or may not
be able to have campers picked up a bit early, so I would like a back up
plan.  Thanks.

will be shutting down in the near future for a couple days so that the
floor can be repainted.  I will give you exact dates as soon as I know.  We may or may not need help, depending on the date, so I will let you know that as well.
There is an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) in Baltimore the weekend of August 14-16.  Y-10, Y-12, and Y-14 events.  If you want to compete at that event, the time to be practicing is now.  More info on
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon