CFFA update for May 17

CFFA update for May 17
We had a number of people travel to Apex yesterday and they all did well.  Rayne Schoonmaker got it started by taking the silver in Y-10 foil.  He had victories of 10-1 and 10-0 in his first two DEs.  Reaghan Juelke and Kyler Schoonmaker participated in the Y-12 foil.  Reaghan won the majority of her pool bouts, pulled an upset in her first DE, then ran into the eventual winner and ended in seventh out of the 19 competitors. Kyler ran into the same fencer in the next round and ended up tied for the bronze medal.  Samantha Milewski wasn’t feeling well, but was still able to come out of pools for the junior epee as the 3rd seed.  Unfortunately not feeling well made her DE hard to get through and she finished 7th.  Nicole Milewski won the bronze for the Y-12 epee.  The eight women in the open epee decided to just do a large pool and forgo DEs due to the time.  Erica Julien took second coming in just two indicators ahead of Nicole who took 3rd.  Edith de Grammont participated in her first event and took 5th, just missing a medal.  I think everyone had a good time and got some good fencing.
Standard week of practice this week in Wilmington.  No practice at Camp Lejeune because of the reduced schedule for Memorial Day.
Stab-a-thon season ending event will occur on Saturday, May 23rd.  Open
Epee, open foil, and a D and under foil.  If we can get 4
Ds, 4Es, and 25 total foilists the winner can get a C without having to
fence Cs.  Right now both of the opens are really top heavy.  No Es or
Us in the epee and only one U in the foil.  Get signed up on askfred
ASAP so we can lure in other fencers.  Right now we need bodies to be able to hand out ratings.
The next week is the last one for the season for homeschool and afterschool classes.  No practice Monday due to Memorial Day.  Wednesday practice  for the homeschoolers will be mainly an end of year party with fencing.  The same for the Thursday afterschool practice.
The new set of classes on board Camp Lejeune will start on Friday, May 29th.  1800 for more advanced fencers and 1900 for the new beginners.
last youth event of the season will occur on Saturday, May 30th.  Under
12 foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm.  We will give the season long swords
away at that point.  We may have a number of first time competing fencers
for the event so volunteer refs and assistance is very welcome.
We will switch to a summer schedule the first week in June.  The beginner class starts Tuesday, June 2nd, at 6:30 pm.  If there is interest, the intermediate class will follow at 7:30 pm.  On Wednesday the 3rd at 7 pm, if there is interest, I will start running a two hour practice in the style of a college practice.  More footwork and drills, less free fencing.  If you are an evening member it will be a free add on to the other practices, for everyone else the $5 floor fee will apply.
will start Saturday practices back up on June 6th at 10 am.  On the 13th the New Bern people will be coming down for a joint practice.

State games are the 20th of June in Raleigh.  They have recently split
the men’s and women’s events.  Check askfred for an idea about
who is coming, but the official preregistration is on the State Games
site.  June 5th is the last date to sign up before the fees jump.

pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon