CFFA update for May 10

CFFA update for May 10
We had three fencers go up to Mid-South this weekend and all cam back with awards.  Samantha Milewski took thirs in the open epee.  Joe McLaughlin took second and Alex Hoelscher took thirds in the E and under sabre.

Unless something gets cancelled due to the weather, it will be a regular week of practice.

16th is a set of unsanctioned events up at Apex.  Unsanctioned means
you cannot earn a rating, but it would be a new set of people
for you to fence.  The events will be a Y-10 foil, Y-12 foil and epee,
Junior mixed foil, and Junior mixed epee.  They have just added an
unsanctioned women’s epee and changed the women’s junior foil to open
women’s foil.  This is a good opportunity for a
number of our 12 and younger fencers who want to move to the next level
(moving out of our club events).  The junior events look like they will
be pretty strong.  You will need a full uniform, so talk to me if
interested. get signed up soon if you are interested
so they know how many refs they will need.
Stab-a-thon season ending event will occur on Saturday, May 23rd.  Open
Epee, open foil, and a D and under foil.  If we can get 4
Ds, 4Es, and 25 total foilists the winner can get a C without having to
fence Cs.  Right now both of the opens are really top heavy.  No Es or
Us in the epee and only one U in the foil.  Get signed up on askfred
ASAP so we can lure in other fencers.
last youth event of the season will occur on Saturday, May 30th.  Under
12 foil, epee, and sabre.  We will give the season long swords
away at point.  We may have a number of first time competing fencers
for the event so volunteer refs and assistance is very welcome.
will start Saturday practices back up in June.  Sometimes fencers from
other clubs come down to fence.  I will keep you posted.
State games are the 20th of June in Raleigh.  They have recently split
the men’s and women’s events.  Check askfred for an idea about
who is coming, but the official preregistration is on the State Games
site.  June 5th is the last date to sign up before the fees jump.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon