CFFA update for April 19

CFFA update for April 19
We had a very good, competitive, large event yesterday.  Eighteen foilists with Gabe Lima of Research Triangle Fencing winning and upping his C to a C15.  Mike Nicholson returned to fencing and came in second earning a D15.  CFFA’s Oliver Galbraith and Mid-South’s Stephen Pashby took the 3rds.  28 epeeists; David Swearngan of the Charlotte Fencing Academy beat Oliver to earn his B with Oliver updating his C.  Andrew Fullmer of the Raleigh Fencers Club and Scott Butler of the Wilmington Fencing Club tied for third.  As it was a B2, Clayton Hamerski of the Wilmington Fencing Club took 5th and won his D, while Gannon Hart of CFFA on board Camp Lejeune slipped into 12th and won his E.  10 unrated sabre fencers; Mike Nicholson won the gold and his E.  CFFA’s Joe McLaughlin won the silver with Jason DePertuis of Mid-south and Steve Kmiec of ECU taking the bronzes.   Thanks to everyone who helped with the set up, running, reffing, and tear down of the event.
This week should be a pretty standard week of practice.  The Tuesday Thursday class is over for the month so I should have more time to work with the people who want it.
We will have a Saturday practice starting around 10 am on the 25th.  I will have to duck out around 2 pm to make the Divisional meeting which is at 5 pm up in Raleigh.  People are welcome to go with me (I’m not holding my breath on that one.)
May 2nd is Salle New Bern’s outdoor epee
event.  Right now it is a solid B event.  I am observing
so will have some room if people need rides.
The beginner class for May will start on Tuesday, May 5th, at 6:30 pm.

May 9th and 10th will be an event at Mid-South with epee, foil, sabre, and E and under sabre.

16th is a set of unsanctioned youth events
up at Apex.  Unsanctioned means you cannot earn a rating, but it would
be a new set of people for you to fence.  The events will be a Y-10
foil, Y-12 foil and epee, and Junior  (age 13-19) women’s foil, Junior
mixed foil, and Junior mixed epee.  This is a good opportunity for a
number of our 12 and younger fencers who want to move to the next level
(moving out of our club events).  The junior events look like they will be pretty strong.  You will need a full uniform, so talk
to me if interested.

Our Stab-a-thon season ending event will occur on Saturday, May 23rd.  Open Epee, open foil, and a D and under foil.  If we can get 4 Ds, 4Es, and 25 total foilists the winner can get a C without having to fence Cs.  Get signed up on askfred ASAP so we can lure in those kind of numbers.
The last youth event of the season will occur on Saturday, May 30th.  Under 12 foil, epee, and sabre.  We will give the season long swords away at point.  We may have a number of first time competing fencers for the event so volunteer refs and assistance is very welcome.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon