Fw: Iron Maiden Trophies 2015 – Tournament update

Fw: Iron Maiden Trophies 2015 – Tournament update

Just an update for the Iron Maiden tournament on the 21st.  We have decided to rename it, at least for this year, the Lynn Krupey Memorial Iron Maiden.   A number of people have stepped forward to help sponsor the event so your entry fee will be covered (That means you fence for free) and be used as a donation to a charity of Lynn’s mother’s choosing.  We are guessing that it will probably go to a Cystic Fibrosis or Organ Transplant charity.  I will let you know as soon as I am informed.  All of the people running the event are donating their time, so everything raised will be go to a good cause.  Should you wish to add something as a donation it would be most welcome.
Obviously, both to honor Lynn and be able to create a large donation to a worthy cause, we would like to make these events as large as possible.  If you have not yet signed up on askfred, please do so.  That will help us attract more outside fencers.  If you wish to fence something outside of your regular weapon(s), we will do our best to lend weapons, lames, masks, etc.  As of my last check, there were 8 entries in epee, 6 in foil, and 2 in sabre.
Zemi Zelinski has been working her little fingers to the bone creating jewelry as prizes for the top 3 places. I have attached a link so you can look at them.  She has it color coded:  Sabre is green, Foil is red, and Epee is blue.  If your favorite color is not aligned with your weapon; then you will just have to fence the other one to try and win.
I have also attached a copy of the permanent trophy Bobby Babson and Herman Smith have put together.  It will have a Name plaque for the tournament on the front.  The three other sides will be dedicated to one weapon each with the name of the champion and the year attached.
Don’t hesitate to contact with questions or suggestion on how to further honor Lynn.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon

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From: Kemmerlyn Lawrence (via Google Drive) <overlookedfile@gmail.com>
To: gregoryspahr@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 10:03 PM
Subject: Iron Maiden Trophies 2015 – Invitation to collaborate
Kemmerlyn Lawrence has invited you to work in the following shared folder:
Here’s the pictures of the trophies. Will this do?

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