CFFA update for February 23

CFFA update for February 23
Hoggard and Coastal Christian both sent teams to the NCFL team championships Saturday.  Coastal went 2-1 (I think) and ended up in 5th.  Hoggard lost all 3, but a couple were close, and ended up 8th.
On Sunday the Artz twins fenced the homeschool individual championships.  They finished 4th and 5th but were up against much older and bigger girls.
Pretty regular practice this week.  EXCEPT since no one much has been showing up on Wednesday nights, I am going to take those off until the next set of Monday and Wednesday classes start in April.
The 28th is the NCFL
individuals.  They will also be held at McDougal.  I believe all of
our fencers fenced enough to qualify, so let’s figure out who is going.
For the adults, All
American is hosting an unsanctioned men’s and women’s foil on the 28th. 
Unsanctioned means you cannot earn ratings, but the entry fee will be much
cheaper.  They are also holding a “Beginner” epee for those who
want to try their hand at competing.  See askfred for more details.
The next evening
beginner and intermediate classes start Tuesday, March 3rd.  6:30 pm for
the beginners, and 7:30 pm for the intermediates.
March 7-8 are the Div
II/III National Championship qualifiers.  For Vet fencers all you have to
do is show up and survive.
These also have the qualifiers for Y-14 events.   Even if you are not planning to go to San
Jose, this will be a good state wide event.  Get signed up before the fees
go up (March 6th) and so the Division can determine how many referees they need to hire.  That weekend UNC is also hosting the NCAA regionals so referees are tight.
March 14-15 is
Mid-South’s Grand Opening event.  The epee is an a A
event.  The foil needs a bunch of bodies, but might reach being a B.  They also have a Vet sabre.
Our next youth event is
March 14th.  Foil at 10 am, sabre at 1:30 pm, and epee at 3:30 pm. 
$5 per event with trophies to 1-3 and ties, medals to the top 3 who are 9 and
under who don’t get a trophy.
The Iron Maiden, the
only women’s only event in NC, will be held Saturday, March 21.  Foil,
epee, and D and under sabre.  This is being held as a benefit for Lynn
Krupey, one of our assistant coaches who is currently fighting cancer.  I
would like to see all of our eligible women competing, maybe even trying
weapons you haven’t fenced competitively to pump up the numbers.   Get
signed up on askfred.  Right now hardly anyone is signed up.
Mid-South is hosting the
area’s RYC on the 28th and 29th.  They have changed how you get to
Nationals for Y-12 and Y-10, so just showing up is not enough.  It is now
also based on how well you do, but you can’t get qualified if you don’t
go.  It is also a good first step for those of you considering the jump to
bigger events like the JOs.  They also have Y-14 events, some of which are looking pretty strong.  Only one CFFA fencer in the mix at the moment.
April 4th is Salle New Bern’s John Martin event.  E and under foil and epee plus Y-12 foil and epee.  I hand out sword points for the Y-12 events as part of our kids series.  Plus they are doing the free lunch they always do.
Finally, I am going to
take some time away from starting beginner classes for the younger fencers so I
can devote more time to the continuing youngsters.  So I won’t start the
next afterschool beginner class until April.  The same thinking for the
homeschool class.  This is the last week of their beginner class, but
then the next one won’t start until April.
pax vobiscum,
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon