CFFA update for February 1

CFFA update for February 1
First, a word from the coach.  NO MORE BASKETBALL!  Too many of you are getting hurt playing that dangerous sport.
Yesterday was the last regular season meet for the NCFL.  In the A Division, Coastal Christian was 3-2.  They were led by Oliver Galbraith at 14-0, although their other members contributed a number of wins.  Hoggard was 0-5.  In the B Division the CFFA girls were 4-0.  Emma Filer was 8-0, Reaghan Juelke was 6-0, and Emma Graf was 6-1.

The next beginner class will start tomorrow, February 2nd at 6:30 pm.  It will run 6 weeks on Mondays and Wednesdays.  The UNCW fencers should start coming down on Wednesdays this week.


I changed the name of
our next tournament on askfred, as there was some concern that people might
believe it was only for younger fencers.  It is still on February 7th and
will have an open foil, an open epee, and a D and under epee.   
It is the last chance for those of you going to JOs to get in a
competition.  As was obvious from our last event, people read the entries
and decide to come accordingly.  Get signed up, if you intend to come, and
want to see a strong turnout.  Right now no event is higher than an E, even though there are some high rated fencers in them.
The 13-16th are the Junior Olympics in Richmond.  We have Oliver Galbraith, Emma Filer, and Samantha Milewski attending.  I will be up there helping them, so no fencing at Camp Lejeune on the 13th and no afterschool on the 16th.  There wouldn’t have been afterschool anyway since it is President’s Day.

NCFL A team championship is February 21st.  It may be in Elkin although people are looking for a site closer to the middle of the state.

The homeschool individual
tournament is February 22nd.  I am assuming it is in Oak Ridge.

The NCFL individual championship is
February 28th.  Again, it may be Elkin or closer to the middle of the state.


The Divisional Div
II/III and Y-14 qualifiers are now up on askfred.  They will be held on
the weekend of March 7-8 in Raleigh.
March 14-15 is Mid-South’s big tournament for the spring.  It usually has highly rated events in all three weapons.

Mid-South is again
hosting an RYC for the region on March 28-29.  Check askfred for the exact
date and time of your event(s).  The qualifying paths have changed, so
merely going to the RYC no longer automatically qualifies you for Y-10 and Y-12
Nationals.  You now have to be at a certain level on the National or
Regional points list.  Even if you aren’t interested in going to the
National Championships, this is a good way to start finding out about the
larger world of fencing.
I haven’t gotten many replies about Fencing camp dates, so made the schedule based on the requests I had.  So July 13-17 will be the beginner camp.  The sabre camp will be July 20-24, foil will July 27 – 31, and epee will be August 3-7.
pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon