Mid week update for CFFA

Mid week update for CFFA
Three quick things:
1) I will be headed out to Charlotte to fence/coach at their C and under epee event  The Cs are Ryan Miller, Ricky Richards, and Sandy Tapia so I consider it pretty wide open.  (Sorry Ryan)  I am taking Erica and might have room in the car for another person if anyone is interested.  Leaving from Sam’s club about 8:45 am.  Let me know if you want to go.

Of course, that means I won’t be at practice Saturday morning.  If anyone with keys wants to come in, let me know so I can get the word out.

2)  I haven’t been mentioning it, but we can also have an intermediate class start this Tuesday at 7:30 pm for those who are beyond beginners but don’t feel quite ready to jump into the big pond with both feet.  It works like this, we meet for about 1/2 an hour to work on moves and then you get
turned loose to go fence the more experienced people.  Then the next time, we go over what worked and what didn’t.  Repeat the process.  Cost is $50 for 6 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday, plus the $10 USA Fencing membership if you don’t already have it.

3) The schedule is already packed for events, so it looks like about the only date available for a 12 and under kids event early in the semester is September 27.  I will get flyers out with times for when everyone returns from summer break.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race
is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon
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