CFFA – No practice tonight – Nationals wrap up

CFFA – No practice tonight – Nationals wrap up
Just in case you were wondering, we won’t have practice tonight.  We were already not going to have practice at Lejeune due to the July 4th holiday.  Still hoping for a Saturday morning at 10 am practice, but obviously use your judgement based on the local conditions.
Will Golder had a realistic first Nationals experience.  He got better as his pool went
on and defeated his last opponent 5-0.  That left him at 1-5.  In his DE he happened to draw someone from his pool and did better against him.  He finished 103rd. 
Sadly, the Milewskis have had a death in the family; so Samantha withdrew from her last couple of events.
All in all I think we had a solid Nationals.  Almost everyone fenced right about as well as they are currently capable.  We had 4 fencers attend their first Nationals, so I have even more people who can explain to everyone else the level of some of the best fencers.  I think at least a couple of them want to up the level of their work and practice so they can do better next year.  Of the four none has fenced more than two years and a couple are closer to about one year of fencing.  It is unfair to ask them to successfully compete against fencers who might have 5-6 (or even 10-12) years of fencing and many competitions at this level.  The good news is that their learning curve can still be pretty steep while the more experienced fencers learning curve levels
Herman ordered some new equipment, but that doesn’t mean go crazy and not take care of things!!!
Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon