End of June update

End of June update
We have had some more people fence at Nationals.  Emma Graf was in the Y-12 foil and went 1-4 in her pool.  The person she beat ended up 14th.  She won her first DE, but lost her second and finished up 121st.
Nicole Milewski went 3-3 for her pool of Y-10 epee, won her first DE and
just lost her 2nd to finish up 24th.  I think she gets National Points for that, so she is rated higher than all the rest of you epeeists.  (Except maybe Erica, who will also have National points)
Big sister Samantha was in the Junior epee today.  As we told her, there were 4 Bs at State Games.  There were 3 Bs in her
pool.  She went 1-5, but took 2 of the Bs to 4-5 and was fencing well.  Unfortunately she just missed the 80% cut and finished 192nd.
Not to pick on Charles Chow, but as a cautionary note for anyone doing these big events; he thought he did so poorly that he wouldn’t make the 80% cut and left the venue.  As it turned out, he got the very last spot in the DEs, but he wasn’t there, so he was black carded.  Never assume…..
On the good news front, it appears that UNCW will be picking up B rated foil fencer in January.  He is coming down from New Jersey to study Marine Biology.  Right handed, pretty good sized guy.  I think her finished about 114 in the Junior foil.  His father is a National armorer.  His name is Connor Costa.
I assume some one
will be in to open up on Tuesday and Thursday.  No Jacksonville practice on July 4th.  July 11th starts the next Camp Lejeune session.
Vassa Falls has some friends from Atlanta coming in for the 4th.  They are fencers who also went to App State.  They want to make certain that we have a good practice on Saturday, July 5th so they can get some strip time.  In the same vein, the New Bern people will be coming down on Saturday, July 19th, so a good
turnout then would be great.
Not really much in the way of tournaments that are close until August, so this is a good time to practice with no pressure and try to perfect new things.
The camps this year are:  Beginning Fencing  July 14 -18
Advanced epee   July 21 – 25  Advanced foil July 28 – August 1  Advanced sabre August 7 – 11
Let me know if you are coming so I can plan the level the
camp needs to be at and give me a T-shirt
size so I can make that order.  Also I will need some help on Fridays to look after the camp so I can head up to Lejeune.  If you could come in about 3 pm on Friday and can lock up at 5 pm, please let me know.

pax vobiscum,

Greg Spahr
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association

“The race is not
always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon