CFFA update for June 1

CFFA update for June 1
I still haven’t heard about all of the umbrellas that were left Thursday.  I will keep them in the office until they get picked up.  Also, a ring was turned in at the kid’s event Saturday.  It has Thailand marked on the inside, so I don’t think it is extremely valuable, but let me know if you think it is yours.
Yesterday was the final youth event of the
year.  Started slowly, but got bigger as the day progressed.  We only had 4 foilists – results.
1.  Emma Graf
2.  Jason Waldyke
3.  tie  Gerrit Swart and Reaghan Juelke
We had eight in the sabre
1. Reaghan
2. Thomas Moore
3.  tie  Kent Walston and Jason Waldyke
Among those 9 and under  Noah Nunez gold and
Oliver Sickles and Avery Walston tied for silver
There were twelve epeeists to end the day.
1.    Jason Waldyke
2.    Dylan Craig
3.  tie  Keegan Million and Nicole Milewski
For the 9 and under crowd  Sofia Galbraith gold, Lydia Huggins silver, and Walker Rottman bronze.
Jason won the sword for guys and Reaghan won the girl’s sword.  Proving you can be a good fencer and a good sport, Reaghan also won the
sportsmanship sword.
The Star News came by during the foil and took some photos.  One ended up in the local section today and a number more are at under photos.
This week we are really working under summer hours.  Practice Tuesday and Thursday, I will probably be in about 5 if anyone wants some extra work.  Camp Lejeune Friday night.  Practice Saturday morning at 10 am until ?
June 14 -15 is the Dave Crevar Memorial up in Raleigh.  Y12 and Y-14 events plus Open foil and epee and a C and under sabre.  The last event to warm up before State Games or Nationals (or both), depending on where you are going.  Check askfred for the details.
The State Games are June 21-22 in Charlotte.  It is expanding to two days and adding specific
women’s events.  There are also Y-12 events and opens in all weapons.  You have to sign up at, but you can get an idea of the strength of competition at askfred.  Last day to sign up before the rates jump is June 14.
I’ll be away to nationals from June 21 until July 3 or 4.  The club will be open on at least Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I’ll let you know times once I know them.  Camp Lejeune won’t meet
on June 27 or July 4 and the new session will begin July 11.
The camps this year are:  Beginning Fencing  July 14 -18
Advanced epee   July 21 – 25  Advanced
foil July 28 – August 1  Advanced sabre August 7 – 11
Let me know if you are coming so I can plan the level the camp needs to be at and give me a T-shirt size so I can make that order.
It’s come to my attention that there is some teasing and name calling going on.  This needs to stop ASAP.  Everyone needs to understand that a lot of you have now known each other for five to six years or longer, have a number of shared experiences, and therefore have a comfort level that leads to a lot of teasing.  Many of our fencers are much newer, and we may have a number of afterschool and homeschool youngsters attending over the summer, so there will be even more unfamiliar faces.  The same level of teasing that you do with long time friends may be uncomfortable or hurtful to people you don’t know so well yet.  On the other hand, some newer and younger fencers may try to jump in to fit with the “older cooler” kids.  Since you are not as familiar with everyone, you may say something that they would laugh off coming from a long time friend that isn’t as acceptable coming from some one they don’t know. 
Thus it backfires and makes you “uncool.”  The bottom line is that everyone who comes into fence has to be feel welcome and we cannot have anyone ruining that environment.  If someone is making other people uncomfortable, then the club will have to deal with that person.
On a congratulatory note, Noah Garay has been accepted to Cleveland State and is planning to fence on the Viking’s Division I team.  Longer term members may
have to correct me, but I think this will make him the first CFFA fencer to go off to compete at the NCAA level in college.  Right now, the Star News is planning to do an article on him and may be in Thursday for the interview.  If that happens, it would be nice to have a good crowd to show them what the club looks like.  I’ll keep you posted.
pax vobiscum.,
Head Coach
Cape Fear Fencing Association
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
but that’s the way to bet.” Damon Runyon